As we move past Covid and the need to limit our activities, Trinity is focused on the future and re-energizing all of our important programs. This includes signing up volunteers to help with our WORSHIP Service.

At Trinity, community and family are important.  We want everyone to join in, participate and volunteer because it is through these activities that we strengthen our bonds – and ensure that our worship services continue to be meaningful for all.

Please take a moment to consider whether you could serve in one of the roles.  Don’t let worries like, “I get nervous speaking in front of others” or “I’m afraid I’ll make a mistake” keep you from participating.  No one is judging you and family doesn’t care about mistakes.


Some basic instructions are below to give you an idea of what each role entails, but anyone on the Music & Worship Committee will be very happy to answer questions or walk you through how things work.

  • Scroll down to read about the volunteer roles and what they entail.
  • Included on the form is sign up for Coffee Call – not a part of worship – but still an integral role to helping Trinity grow fellowship and fun!
  • The form doesn’t include a sign up for one of Trinity’s CHOIRS, but we always need people to join us – both the Chancel and Contemporary choirs.  If you’re interested but can only make part of the year or only want to sing for special services like Christmas and Easter, please talk to Marianne (Chancel) or Chip (Contemporary).   We can be flexible!