Please join us for a Tenebrae-style Good Friday worship service by the South County Ministerium, hosted by Mt. Nebo UMC. The South County Ministerium has been established to assist members of our South County community that are in need of financial assistance. The assistance that we offer consists of Weis gift cards for food and gas, financial assistance with utilities and other special needs as voted by the Ministerium. Funding for the Ministerium comes from joint ecumenical services hosted during Holy Week and the annual Crop Walk and direct donations. Direct donations can be made by contacting Klaus Heins at Benevola United Methodist Church at (301) 791-3576. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please contact your local Pastor. This year’s Lenten Devotional, Ash Wednesday service and this Good Friday service have been provided by the South County Ministerium in an effort to unite our community during this unprecedented time of separation.

Order of Worship, Friday April 2, 2021- 7pm
Good Friday Tenebrae Service
Brought to you by the South County Ministerium

Service of Tenebrae, or “shadows,” is based on a twelfth–century late night/early morning service and is an extended meditation on the passion of Christ.


Order of Worship