Crochet/Knit Washclothes for Rescue Mission

The Trinity Busy Bees group is continuing to knit or crochet washcloths for the homeless and those in need at the Rescue Mission in Hagerstown.  They delievered 50 cloths already and have been told they love them and can use more!

If you know how to knit or crochet, please join the group to help make these washcloths.  YOU DON’T NEED TO BE A MEMBER OF TRINITY OR THE BUSY BEES.  It’s a great opportunity to gather with friends (old and new!) to help others.  Thanks to funds provided by Thrivent for Lutherans, the cost of the yarn is being covered so just bring your knitting/crocheting needles and join in.

Faith Fellowship with Prisoners

The Community of St. Dysmas is comprised of ELCA Lutheran Congregations in the Maryland prison system. Here are a few quotes from letters they’ve received from those in incarceration since the pandemic began.

“Thank you for reaching out to me with the devotionals. And thanks for not forgetting me!… We miss you so much and pray that the world will recover soon”

“We are all still learning to live this new pandemic existence, and it’s crazy. The constant prayers and letters have shown me that St. Dysmas is the fit I have been searching for to lead me towards God. You all really walk the walk. Thank you so much. I have tried to do it ‘my way’ and I’ve failed over and over. I can’t do it without God’s help. I am ready.”

“Thank you for your prayers. In this time of pandemic, we all need encouraging words from each other. Prayer and God’s scriptures are the best way in dealing with it all.”

“For some of us, our mistakes have driven deep wedges between our friends and families and us. Your love, teaching and ministry have forged even better, more meaningful relationships and eternal bonds than the ones we trashed in the world. May God bless you right now for your selfless service!”

“I would like to thank you for all of your support and prayers in this time of need. I have talked to the other guys here and everyone says they have been uplifted by your support. We are keeping you all in our prayers and hope to see you soon. You are a light in a time of darkness.”

“You make me believe that I can be forgiven and its never too late to change things around for good…Can’t wait to see you all again!”

As you can tell from these comments, it’s more important than ever that our Community of St. Dysmas siblings feel connected to the larger church of which they are a part. St. Dysmas is asking Lutherans and ecumenical partners to submit notes to their office to be mailed to individuals who are a part of the CSD family. In these difficult times, these letters are quite literally a God-send for them. If you or anyone in your congregation would like to write a note, here are the guidelines for writing:

Guidelines for Writing:

1. Use only white or plain lined notebook paper. No stationary or greeting cards. Notes can be handwritten or printer generated.
2. Blue or black ball point pen, no color or markers. Line drawings are fine but no color.
3. Greeting should be generic such as “Dear friend in faith,” “Hello my sibling in Christ,” etc.
4. Do not give identifiers such as your name, location, etc., but please say what church you are from. This helps our people know they are part of the larger church.
5. Generic messages of encouragement, Bible verses or prayers in the body of the note are very much appreciated.
6. Sign with a term such as “Your friend in Christ,” “A fellow Lutheran,” A sister/brother in faith,” etc.
Please send the letters to the St. Dysmas office and they will distribute them to the members:

Community of St. Dysmas
905 Frederick Rd
Catonsville, Md 21228

Or e mail them to: