The short answer is, “As soon as we know it is safe”. The long answer is, “It’s complicated and we are working hard on it.”

Both of us, Pastor Ron and Kim, are in dialogue with other pastors and congregational presidents trying to answer this question. Some of our churches have opened too early and have come to regret it. Some churches have found alternative worship styles, in addition to digital worship services like Trinity does.

Those alternative worship services have been in the form of lawn services, parking lot services, and the like. We know how deeply our people are longing to see each other again, so we are seriously looking at these alternatives and will bring a report to the next church council meeting (July 14).

If council thinks such services will help meet our need to worship God and see each other in person, things could be underway by August.

Until then, please join us for our online worship services.

Pastor Ron and Council President Kim