This morning, Trinity very fortunate to welcome Pastor Susan Beck as a substitute for Pastor Karl who is away this weekend.  Pastor Beck is with the Community of St. Dysmas, ELCA congregations within the Maryland prison system.

Please note: A portion of this morning’s service is available. Unfortunately, it was a hectic Sunday morning  with a substitute pastor, substitute sound board volunteer and a new volunteer running the livestream.  There was a miscommunication and the final “Go Live” button didn’t get pressed until the sermon was about to begin.

We sincerely appreciate everything our volunteers do and are patient while they learn.  Of course, Trinity also welcomes worshippers in-person at 10:15am on Sundays.

Pastor Beck told us about the opportunity to send letters of encouragement and fellowship to those in the prison system. Scroll down below the service for instructions on how to participate.

(Please note that if you would like to view this screen larger, you can click on the square full screen icon in the lower right corner of the screen.)

It’s more important than ever that our Community of St. Dysmas siblings feel connected to the larger church of which they are a part. We’ve been asking Lutherans and ecumenical partners to submit notes to our office that we can mail to individuals who are a part of the CSD family. In these difficult times, these letters are quite literally a God-send for them. If you or anyone in your congregation would like to write a note, here are the guidelines for writing:

  1.  Use only white or plain lined notebook paper. No stationary or greeting cards. Notes can be handwritten or printer generated.
  2. Blue or black ball point pen, no color or markers. Line drawings are fine but no color.
  3. Greeting should be generic such as “Dear friend in faith,” “Hello my sibling in Christ,” etc.
  4. Do not give identifiers such as your name, location, etc., but please say what church you are from. This helps our people know they are part of the larger church.
  5. Generic messages of encouragement, Bible verses or prayers in the body of the note are very much appreciated.
  6. Sign with a term such as “Your friend in Christ,” “A fellow Lutheran,” A sister/brother in faith,” etc.

Please send the letters to our office and we will distribute them to the members:
Community of St Dysmas
905 Frederick Rd
Catonsville, Md 21228

Or e mail them to: