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We apologize for the dark screen in the opening hymn, which made it hard to read the words.  This was a software malfunction.  Here are the words to the hymn:

What Is This Place

1 What is this place where we are meeting?
Only a house, the earth its floor.
Walls and a roof sheltering people,
windows for light, an open door.
Yet it becomes a body that lives
when we are gathered here,
and know our God is near.

2 Words from afar, stars that are falling,
sparks that are sown in us like seed:
names for our God, dreams, signs, and wonders
sent from the past are all we need.
We in this place remember and speak
again what we have heard:
God’s free redeeming word.

3 And we accept bread at this table,
broken and shared, a living sign.
Here in this world, dying and living,
we are each other’s bread and wine.
This is the place where we can receive
what we need to increase:
our justice and God’s peace.

Text: Huub Oosterhuis, b. 1933; tr. David Smith, b. 1933
Text © 1984 TEAM Publications, admin. OCP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. Used by permission.